I've discovered the secret to blog success. Well, it's not really a secret. Most of us already know it, but doing it is another matter, and timing is important. Some writers begin too soon, some wait too late. These are my thoughts about the two best tips to blog success.
1. The subject must have wide appeal to your target audience. Why do food blogs get so many followers? Everyone eats. Do-It-Yourself blogs are popular because everyone has to fix something at some time or another. The more successful book selling blogs focus on a subject that relates to their (or others') books. If it's an historical, the blog may explore the history of that particular time and place. If the books are about social issues, the blogs explore those issues. The question before me is whether to find a thread that crosses all my books or concentrate on the first book. I haven't decided yet, but it's on my to-do list. Another approach is the general purpose blog, like helping other writers, offering tips and advice. Then there are the fan clubs. These focus on best-selling books that are reviewed and discussed and given away. Give-aways and contests always attract commentators.
2. Whatever the subject, the best way to get followers is to follow. Warning--this is time consuming. Not only do you have to post regularly and advertise your posts all over social media, you have to comment on your followers' blogs. I've recently followed two blogs that have accumulated hundreds of followers in a relatively short amount of time. Both started with a profound message and immediately began to follow many other blogs. Of course, asking for a follow back. Most do follow back. The problem is, they don't continue to follow. Still I see value in this approach. It gets the attention of new people, ordinary readers, target readers. My opinion is I should wait until my book is available for sale before doing this because you seem to get only one chance. After awhile, interest wanes.
Just because I don't have the book ready to sell doesn't mean I shouldn't prepare. I'll be on the look-out for a dynamite subject that will attract interest. Be ready to strike while the iron's hot.
There are methods outside the internet that require preparation as well. The usual book signings. I'll start making a list of local places. Then there are the press releases. I suppose if I have a traditional publisher, they'll take care of that, but I might want to add to those efforts. One of my contacts at LinkedIn covers the subject very well at http://tammiepainter.com. Another site that lists 95 sites to post a book cover and blurb is at http://savvybookwriters.files.wordpress.com/
One final way to reach readers in a personal way is to offer to speak at clubs, organizations, and church groups. Most are always looking for a speaker and will let you sell your books after the meeting. Might as well start making a list of these, and dust off my toastmaster skills.
I'm still working on Amazon and Goodreads. That's where the big numbers are. I'll report my findings in another post.
Maybe I can hire out some of these preparation tasks. School's out, so I might get my tech savvy grandkids to get to work. I wonder if they'd do it for a percentage of the book's earnings. Ha.